#ThisisActive Q&A with Morit Summers-- Personal Trainer and a leader in the body positive fitness movement.

Our #ThisIsActive Q+As are part of an ongoing series to show how plus size women live their active lives. Share your active life with us on social media by using #ThisIsActive on Instagram or send your story to social @ junoactive.com for a chance to be featured.

Morit Summers, plus size fitness training, holding megaphone during exercise class.JunoActive recently partnered with Fitness Trainer Morit Summers and a group of plus size women at her gym in New York training for the Spartan Race this month, by providing inspirational #ThisIsActive Plus Size Tees to the participants. We know the importance of partnering up for workouts and love to see women of all shapes and sizes getting out and being active. Here is a little more about size-inclusive trainer Morit Summers on her philosophy and experience for movement and health at any size. 

About Morit: Morit Summers has been a Personal Trainer since 2007, defying industry standards with her abilities and inclusive approach. Morit owns FORM FITNESS, a training studio in Brooklyn Heights. FORM believes anyone can learn to build strength and move well, and the FORM team lead by Morit is determined to create a community where all feel welcome and supported to achieve their unique fitness goals



Q. What steps do you take as a trainer to create a comfortable, motivating and welcoming environment for all, regardless of body type or ability?

A. We listen. We listen to what a person's goals actually are. We don’t force weight loss on anyone. We listen to what people enjoy doing and work towards having them be able to do those things again. We make sure there is no judgment based on ability or body types when someone walks in the door. 

Q. How has your own story influenced your passion for body positivity in the health and fitness industry.

A. My story with body positivity is that I used to hate my body and sometimes still struggle with this idea that I’m fat.

However, I have been able to realize that I’m super strong and capable of so many things. No matter what, I can do whatever I set my mind to. The hardest part is staying positive and fighting for it at all times. 

Q. For your own self, at the time when you're struggling to stay positive, do you have any tips or things that worked for you to remind your of your strength regardless of your size? 

A. I stay consistent, no matter how I'm feeling, I don't let it stop me from my daily living.  This includes lifting, so even when I'm not feeling my best, I have proof that I am doing my best.

Q. You're leading a group of women training for the Spartan race on April 13 -- What can you share about this process? 

A. We have 27 people on our team and it ranges from ages 20-50. We are all different shapes and sizes and genders and abilities. Many on the team are beginners. 

We put out the idea for people to sign up in January, to set out to train for something this year.  

 Each of the FORM Fitness trainers spoke to their clients individually about training for a goal. Part of the training would be to meet and workout with the team.  It wasn't required, just offered.  

Q. At Juno Active we always encourage people to partner up on their fitness journey. As far as the Spartan training group goes, what you see as the impact on the individual who does this kind of training with others? 

A. We found that everyone truly enjoyed knowing that there were others like them who were doing the spartan race for the first time.

They have all since become friendly and support each other, following each other on social media and being super supportive during group workouts.

Q. What's one myth you'd like to see busted about plus-size women?

A. That size does not determine what we can do or if we are healthy. 

Q. What's your advice for people in the plus-size community who want to find a trainer?

A. There are resources, like the Superfit Hero Body Positive Fitness Finder. But also, to find someone you feel comfortable with and someone who listens to you and your goals. 

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