#ThisIsActive Q&A: Anne Kelly talks with long-time customer Paula K. from Wyoming
Q. How did you first discover JunoActive?
A. It was just a little 4 page catalog, and the first thing I ordered was stretch jeans. Clothes for exercise were really not available for plus size women, especially things that fit well. I’ve loved your things. I wore the center seam for years! I could dress them up and down. I miss the catalog, but I’m really glad you are online.
Q. Tell me a bit about your life:
A. I worked as a librarian and at a residential facility for delinquent girls. I think we made a difference in their lives.
We live near the Big Horn Mountains in Wyoming, and I like all the outdoors activities, especially walking, cross country skiing and fly fishing. We have good bird watching in the migration season, including Golden and Bald Eagles. I went to Idaho to see the sandhill cranes.
I like to look at the stars; I go out nearly every night. I use the app on my phone. My favorite constellation is the Big Dipper, because it reminds me of my dad pointing it out to me. After he died, we thought we had finished cleaning out the house, but in our final walk through we found on a top closet shelf an old planisphere. It was a sign he left for me.

Q. How does wearing JunoActive make a difference in your life?
A. I like your capris for walking, and the loose fit leggings have been great. I recently ordered some in the SoftWik. They are so comfortable, and not just for exercise. They are nice enough to wear everywhere, and so soft and comfortable. I like the fleece jackets, and I still wear some nylon wind pants you sold a long time ago. All your clothing lasts forever. I’ve had them years and years and they never wear out. Your fit is the best I’ve ever found, the length is right.
Q. Is there any clothing item you’d like JunoActive to develop?
A. I’d sure love some kind of waterproof knickers to wear over tights for cross country skiing, running or just walking. The new rain jacket is wonderful!
Q. Change is a constant in life. What has changed for you recently?
A. I’ve come to that age where my parents have passed away and kids are leaving the house. The exercise thing has been really important. We have a new dog! It is a miniature American Shepherd similar to an Aussi. Thank goodness for the internet. We are in an isolated area, and I can spend hours looking things up, and my friends often ask for my help. You need to keep learning.

Q. What words of wisdom would you like to share with JunoActive women?
A. I like to read, even while riding the stationary bike. I like to read poetry. W.S. Merwin is very good. I’ve been thinking about this quote from one of his poems: “This must be what I am meant doing, walking between two deserts, singing.”
What a wonderful quote!
Thanks, Paula!