#ThisIsActive Q&A: JunoActive superfan Lisa H. Talks About Her Journey to Fitness and Just Showing Up
We were so excited to chat with Lisa H, a self-proclaimed JunoActive superfan and competitive athlete, about her journey to being active.
Q. Lisa, it is so great to talk with you. How did you first find out about JunoActive?
A. In fact, you saved me many years ago! My kids were young and we love the snow. I had been going out in layers and wasn’t protected. I came across your catalog and I bought snow pants — made for me! For my size, for a woman not a man, and I fell in love with you and your products then. I was so moved by having the proper thing that I looked up the phone number – and you answered the phone! What?? I couldn’t believe it. I felt like I was talking to a rock star!
Recently, I signed up for swim/bike/run Super Sprint and your mermaid aquatard fit the bill. I was so happy I didn’t have to be naked!
Q. That is so great! How did you become this competitive athlete?
A. The year before I had set out to become more active. My weight had become a struggle for me. I had been through some bad times, and found myself not living my life, and very overweight. I set out to simply move more.
Using the gods of the internet algorithms, I found a fellow from Chicago who specializes in training plus-size women. On his Instagram account, I saw someone doing what I wanted to be doing but didn’t know I could. So, I followed him, and by interacting with his account he offered me a Facetime training session. I had no clothes that fit me. I did my first session in my pajamas, barefoot with two can of beans from my pantry for weights.
Fast forward -– a year later I had lost 120 pounds. I celebrated by doing a Super Sprint, and then I wanted to do again a year later. That’s when I wore your AquaSport Aquatard. I could swim and bike and run in it. It was absolutely perfect for all three events. It was just awesome.

Q. You have made big changes in living your life. How did you do it?
A. I feel so lucky. There are so many naysayers, so many people who poo-poo the internet, but it saved my life. I subscribe to pages like yours with photos of people doing things I want to do. They are athletes and they look like what I want to be like.
Q. How exactly does this online training work?
A. We train every week online. I literally prop my phone on the dining room table. He appears in the Facetime square and I just do whatever he is asking me to do! He’s genius. As I was getting stronger, we needed more weight, so he just asked me to grab a kitchen chair to do squats with. He uses everyday things to get you through a proper workout without having a full gym or having to buy a lot of equipment. It’s super.
Q. You’ve built up your own fanbase online. How and why did you do that?
A. The last thing I wanted to do was be vulnerable. But I decided that the only thing that got me going was seeing others being vulnerable, so I felt I needed to share. The first time I saw a video of myself I was embarrassed and I cried. It wasn’t how I saw myself. But I felt strongly about returning the favor of seeing someone my size doing what I was doing. Week after week, I get messages from people all over the world from Instagram and Facebook: “Today I started walking from my kitchen to dining room because of you,” or “I’m going to walk my block every day.” I’m so proud of that. It has been worth it to be exposed, and to share my experience with others. I have learned you only need a little a hope to make it possible to do it yourself.
The feedback has always been positive, kind and encouraging. That’s good because I’m really not that thick-skinned. It feels so good to be able to help somebody like I was helped.
Q. What other products would you like to see JunoActive make?
A. You are like a household name in our family. I covet two pairs of shorts you no longer make, and I’m desperate for you to make them again. They have gotten big since I’m now about a 2X. I just pin them and wear them anyway! (Editor’s Note: A new dual layer short is set for re-introduction in early spring 2020.)
My real true love affair with your company, is just how wonderful it is to be properly outfitted. You fit a part of the world with real equipment for what people want to do. It is so great to be able to live life, swim, bike, snowmobile, run -- and not watch from the sidelines. JunoActive has helped me do that, so I want everyone to know what is available, and how somebody they can trust has liked it. I’m always in your corner!
Q. What thought would you like to leave for JunoActive readers?
A. The thing that I decided on day one was to just show up. If you just show up, good things are bound to happen. Show up for yourself. You are worth it. I promise if you commit to showing up – goods things will happen. I totally believe!
Thanks Lisa! Keep in touch and good luck on your next Super Sprint! And let us know what you think about the Supplex Bra Top coming your way!
You can follow Lisa on Instagram: @ljlosinglbs and Facebook: lisajohurbaugh
Our #ThisIsActive Q+As are part of an ongoing series to show how plus-size women live their active lives. Share your active life with us on social media by using #ThisIsActive on Instagram or send your story to social @ junoactive.com for a chance to be featured.
Tips for Getting Started Being Active Again:
- Show up for yourself! You are Worth it. Good things will happen. That could mean the smallest things to start…. Putting on your walking shoes, walking 50 steps, whatever gets you started! Celebrate! You did it! You got started!
- Buddy Up! Lisa H. found an online trainer. Meet a friend for a morning walk around the block. Take a walk break at work with a co-worker.
- Talk with others! Share your new outlook with friends. In person, online, at the club.
- Track your active success. You did it. Take credit. If you are “gold star” person, put it on your calendar. If you are a social media person, post it! Or send yourself a Woohoo! in the mail so you get it in a couple of days.

Take a look at what Lisa's gym is doing! They are now featuring bike classes in the pool. Another innovative way to keep moving. Great job Lisa and thanks for sharing!