Update Your Home Gym-Home Gym Gadgets Round-up

Now that we’ve been home, exercising in our yard, garage or basement, for the sixth month in a row, you might be thinking of investing in something new for your routine. Adding a new gym gadget can be a super way to freshen up your workout, and infuse some fun. There is a lot of equipment out in the marketplace to choose from, in a large range of prices, so we narrowed it down by picking a few of our favorites:

Exercise bands: Add some resistance to your at-home workout with inexpensive exercise bands. Available in a variety of widths, they bring a new, dare we say fun, element to squats, planks and crunches. We found this cute set from Amazon.

Jump rope: Another inexpensive addition to any home gym is a quality jump rope. Add a little play and a kick of cardio with an activity that’s literally child’s play! We recommend investing in a quality jump rope with ball bearings and a wire rope so it moves smoothly and predictably. This set, also on Amazon, has memory foam handles for added comfort. 

Sit Up Bar: Need someone to hold your ankles for sit-ups? Us too! A sit-up bar will do the job, without commenting on your form. It will take your sit-ups and crunches to a whole new level by introducing the movement to even more muscle groups. This one attaches to a door and is moderately-priced, on Amazon. 

Balance Board: By adding the element of instability to a movement, you force your core into action. Pilates loves using balance boards, and we do too, for all that core love. Plus, you can take it to WFH with you, standing on a balance board through a meeting to subtly strengthen your middle. This one, on Amazon, has handles for wobbly push-ups. Or the gold-standard is the Bosu Ball

Peloton, NordiTrak, etc.: If you’ve got some cash to invest, and are committed, we love our NordicTrack treadmill (with the iFit personal trainer) and hear nothing but great things about the Peloton bike and workout Mirror. Yes, they are big bucks, but if you’ve been devoted to your home workouts for the last seven months, it might be a worthy investment, especially if you’re used to paying a hefty gym membership. 

Foam roller: Lastly, we LOVE our foam roller so much! We use it to stretch before exercise and ease muscle aches and soreness right after. PTs always work with them, often in a variety of sizes. Check out this roller with blue speckles. 

Don't forget to freshen up your workout wardrobe!  We have everything you need including: supportive bra tops, fast wicking tees, compression leggings and more.  Shop our Acitve collection for all JunoActive's best available in sizes XL-6X.