Anne Is Walking...How About You?

I’m walking again! Are you? Proving that good things come from challenges, I’m walking again! I don’t know why I stopped walking, but being cooped up has given me the motivation to get out there! I actually love walking, and what a great time to get started again. Birds are singing, leaves ready to pop out, no bugs, and cool weather. Perfect! I’ve started walking again, at a social distance, with my sister and husband. We don’t go fast, we don’t go long, and we take the dog. It’s been a blast! We are all feeling so much better. Make plans to ENJOY your walking and make it a lasting part of your active life. Here's a at a computer? A spin around the block, even for 10-15 minutes, can refresh your mind and body. Try it!
Anne Kelly's Tips for Walking Enjoyment:
- Walk with a buddy you like to talk with, at a nice social distance. Walking solo? Rock out your favorite music! (Leave the news for another time.)
- Walk where you enjoy the surroundings. Trails are perfect, relaxed neighborhoods where you can easily walk at a social distance, parkland, riversides.
- Take it Easy! You don’t need to go fast to get a nice workout. Shorter walks more often are better than going too far, too fast, too soon. Think long term routine.
- When businesses start opening up again, walk to a coffee spot, then back again.
- Sunglasses, hats, water bottles, and sunscreen are important.
- Shoes...never start in new shoes. Start with your old reliables, and slowly break in new shoes.
- Socks...indulge in the ones that work for you. Some like cotton, some like wicking, some swear by wool. Trust your feet and what feels good.
- Be careful! If walking alone, make sure you are safe. Carry your phone, be aware of your surroundings, don't get distracted by your music. Walking on or across streets? Wear bright clothing or a hat for better visibility.
- Don't forget, look up! You’ll be amazed at what you notice while walking the perfect pace...enjoy!

On a recent walk with my sister we came across a neighbor sitting out front. I noticed my neighbor had something wrapped up in a blanket. I spotted an ear sticking out and knew it was a goat! Ike. He is a 4 week old dwarf Nigerian. The neighbor’s sister is a breeder and just couldn’t give him the attention he needed as he was born with an intestinal problem. The intestinal problem is nearly cleared up. Ike is so cute! There certainly are some lovely things happening in the neighborhood. So funny to see a farm animal in town. We are use to chickens but goats? What an unexpected pleasure!
Happy walking! Anne (Let me know what you have noticed in your neighborhood walks at and don't forget to send pics!)