New Year, New You: Motivation and Inspiration for Plus-Size Women
During this time of year when thinking starts to shift to New Year’s resolutions around healthier habits, like more exercise, here's some motivation and inspiration from other plus-size women to remind you of a few key ways you can set yourself up for success when it comes to your own active lifestyle.
New Year, New You
by Christie Denson
As far as New Year’s resolutions go, here at JunoActive, we understand the goal for healthier habits like more exercise — because we have actually been there ourselves. Anne Kelly founded this company more than 20 years ago because in her own quest to be fit, Anne was inspired to meet the growing needs of activewear for plus-size women everywhere.
And throughout our #ThisisActive campaign in 2018, we’ve heard wonderful stories from our loyal customers, inspiring bloggers, and other experts in the body positive industry about what mindset to have, what goals to reach for and what success should look like for plus size women and plus-size fitness —despite our own bias and despite what culture may say.
We’ve pulled some of our favorite inspiring advice for the year for you from fellow plus size women to reflect on, as you move boldly into 2019.
1. Find Your Support (and we’re not talking about a bra)
“If you’re starting a new activity or exercise routine, find a buddy to do it with you. You will help keep each other accountable,” says Anne Kelly, founder at JunoActive.
“I think we thrive in a community. Life is better when you have friends and family to share things with,” says Annette Richmond, Body Positive Founder of Fat Camp. "People to relate to and who can understand what you’re going through and how you’re feeling. People that can help you celebrate your successes and lift you up when you’re at your lowest.”
2. Find Your Why (Hint, it’s not about weight loss)
“I’ve always been happy at any size. I personally used fitness to overcome a tough time in my life. I wanted to manage my sadness and stress in a productive manner,” says Angel Taylor, IT Professional and Dedicated Runner.
“I want to set a good example for my kids and have fun with them. I love playing softball in the backyard and running around with them. I also just want to feel good physically and mentally, says Emma Connolly, Superstar Mom and Career Woman. “When I’m not active I notice I just don’t feel 100% a lot of the time. I have to keep on top of my mental health as I’ve suffered from depression for most of my adult life, and while the motivation to be active is sometimes hard, the benefits of staying active really helps my brain stay happy!”
“Contemporary fitness culture is obsessed with thinness. So much so that people think that looking ‘fit’ and looking ‘thin’ are the same thing,” says Samantha Brennan, co-author of Fit at Mid-Life. “We encourage people, to think in terms of joyful movement, and to think in terms of celebrating what our bodies can do.”
3. Find Your Determination (a.k.a. Moxie, Gusto, Want-To, Drive, Beast-Mode)
“There’s something really powerful about taking on a challenge, or possibly being apprehensive about a new adventure, but deciding to do it anyway,” says Joy Tribble, founder of the Plus Strut, North America’s first 5k exclusively for plus-size women.
“The world is your oyster. There are workouts you can do on your TV, laptops, tablets and even your phone. I know a mom who gets her workout done in the parking lot while her child is in therapy sessions,” Katrina Hayes, Autism Activist and Community Leader.
“I think the most important fitness tip I’ve come across (and shared with many people) is to find what you love. Don’t force yourself to work out, because chances are, you’ll come to dread or despise it, “ says Bethany Snyder, blogger at Big Fit Deal. “And don’t give up! There’s some form of movement out there that will work for you, no matter your level of strength, stamina, or ability. It might take you time to find it, but it’s out there.”
Thank you to all our #ThisisActive contributors, and for our loyal customers who help drive JunoActive to be what it is today. We wish you all the best for a happy and healthy new year.