The JunoActive Blog

6X6 Workouts - Staying Active in 6 Feet of Space In this 6x6 workout Anne Kelly's personal trainer, Jeanne Johnson, walks us through a terrific Hamstring Stretch. Enjoy this complementary workout brought to you by JunoActive.  Like what you see? ...
6x6 Workouts - KNEE HUG-INS
6X6 Workouts - Staying Active in 6 Feet of Space Jeanne Johnson, Anne Kelly's personal trainer, will guide you through a wonderful back stretch called: Knee Hug-ins. Like what you see?  Have suggestions?  Anne would love to hear from you.  Send her...
Celebrating Mom - Feeling Close in a Time of Social Distance
Mother's Day is upon us! It's time to remember ALL the moms in your life: your biological-mother, Godmother, adopted mother, all the moms in your blended family, don’t forget all those wonderful women who ACT like moms when you really...
6x6 Workouts - ARM CLOCKS
6X6 Workouts - Staying Active in 6 Feet of Space How about trying one of Anne's favorite exercises?!  Allow Jeanne Johnson, Anne Kelly's personal trainer, to guide you through this great shoulder mobility move. Like what you see?  Have suggestions?  Anne would...
Anne Is Walking...How About You?
I’m walking again!  Are you?  Proving that good things come from challenges, I’m walking again!  I don’t know why I stopped walking, but being cooped up has given me the motivation to get out there!  I actually love walking, and what a...
6x6 Workouts - 5 MINUTE MORNING REV UP
6X6 Workouts - Staying Active in 6 Feet of Space Looking for a great way to start your day?  Join Jeanette DePatie, aka The Fat Chick, as she guides us through a 5 minute morning exercise routine.  Check out JunoActive's Activewear Collection for...
6x6 Workouts - STRETCH #2 Cat/Cow
6X6 Workouts - Staying Active in 6 Feet of Space When was the last time you got down on the ground and gave your back a great stretch?  Join us as Anne Kelly's personal trainer, Jeanne Johnson, guides us through this...
Walk this Way
After one week of isolation -- of working from home, eating from home, keeping myself busy -- I moved my workstation to the front room of my house that overlooks the street. And I was shocked to see … people....
Taking a Moment
JunoActive is open and shipping your orders. We are honored by your confidence in us, and our ability to keep working at this unprecedented moment. We do not take your support for granted, and we are doing our very best...
Giving Back - JunoActive Spotlight's Female Led Non-Profits
In the month of March, JunoActive committed to donating 5% of our total revenue earned over a two day period to two female led non-profits.  We believe deeply in these causes and wanted to shed light on these young females...
6X6 Workouts - Staying Active in 6 Feet of Space Having trouble getting to the floor and back up again?  Hesitant to try floor exercises based on previous experiences?  You aren't alone!  This video is for you. This 6X6 fitness...
6x6 Workouts - STRETCH #1
6x6 Workouts - Staying Active in 6 Feet of Space Stuck at home?  Stressed?  We understand!  Come join us while we stay active in a 6' x 6' area of space.     Anne Kelly's personal trainer, Jeanne Johnson, is...
The Hot New Eco-Destination: Your Own Region!

We’ve all heard of eating local and shopping local, but now you can travel local, too! You don’t always have to jump on an airplane, when there are so many things to see nearby.

Four No-Slip Tips for Winter Fun
Beyond the “Minnesota Shuffle” here are some ideas to stay safe and make the most of the winter season.
#ThisIsActive Q&A: Anne Kelly talks with Michael Hayes, founder and owner of Buddha Body Yoga, LLC
Buddha Body Yoga is a yoga studio in Manhattan specializing in yoga for people of all sizes and abilities. Q. I so much enjoyed taking a class with you in New York last year. But we really didn’t get a chance...
#ThisIsActive Q&A: Anne Kelly talks with long-time customer Paula K. from Wyoming
JunoActive #ThisIsActive interview with Paula K. and her experience with our brand.
#ThisIsActive Q&A: JunoActive superfan Lisa H. Talks About Her Journey to Fitness and Just Showing Up

JunoActive #ThisIsActive interview with Lisa H, a self-proclaimed JunoActive superfan and competitive athlete, about her journey to being active. 

5 Reasons to Love Hiking Poles
Have you ever tried using hiking poles out on a trail? Anne Kelly, our founder and president, shares five reason to LOVE YOUR STICKS!
#ThisIsActive Q&A: Super wife, mom & grad student Jenna Kirchner-Jacobs on making time for an active lifestyle
JunoActive #ThisIsActive interview with Jenna Kirchner-Jacobs -- a wife of 9 years, a busy stay-at-home mom of three young girls, and a great example of a woman who makes her active lifestyle a priority. 
4 Questions to Ask When Shopping for a Plus-Size Swimsuit

JunoActive's plus size swimwear lines have been designed specifically for the plus size woman to make the most of her athletic and fitness goals. Here are 4 questions you need to ask yourself before deciding which swimsuit is right for you.



#ThisIsActive Q&A: Body Positive Founder of Fat Camp Annette Richmond
Body positive writer and activist Annette Richmond shares her story and the beginnings of founding Fat Camp, an adult summer camp for plus-size women.